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Technical Market Indicators

MetaStock(R) new version 19 technical analysis software (released June 2024)
is significantly improved with many new capabilities.

Special Offer--to get a 30-day free trial and then save 7%-9% off the regular price, 

click here:

To help further your own independent research, Robert W. Colby has arranged a
free trial and a price discount, 7%-9% off the regular price

(R)  offers more than 250 built-in indicators and line studies to enable you to more easily explore a wide variety of methods.

(R)  new version 19 offers many more capabilities than the MetaStock(R)  version 6.52 Colby used to produce his 2003 book,
The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators, Second Edition.

For further details and to try MetaStock(R) phone:
1-800-882-3040 toll free within the U.S.
or 1-801-265-9996 international
Be sure to mention "Offer Code COLBY"
to order this powerful software at a special discount price.
Or, go online here:
to first try MetaStock(R) for free, then buy it at significant price discount.

In my 50 years of technical research, I believe that I have seen all of the analytical tools available. I selected MetaStock software exclusively for my research in producing my book, The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators, Second Edition. Innovative Market Analysis, LLC, the company that produces  MetaStock, offered me no incentives to select their software. I used MetaStock for conducting my research and for producing my statistical tables and charts. I selected MetaStock for its wide-range of powerful capabilities, its flexibility, its ease of use, and its affordability.  

I chose MetaStock because it provides the following:  
A very large number of analytical tools, including more than 250 easy-to-use, built-in indicators that require no formula writing. Onscreen interpretations show you how to use each indicator.
Ability to explore unlimited possibilities. You can modify indicators, mix and match combinations of indicators, and create your own entirely new indicators to suit your needs.
System Testing for indicator research and development, with the ability to back-test indicators on historical data without risking any money.
Easy-to-learn formula language.
Optimization--this allows you to research and develop indicators that would have maximized Reward/Risk performance over actual past market data. You can fine-tune your trading system. MetaStock can test every possible parameter set and automatically rank the profit and loss results for you.
You can prove or disprove your ideas by conducting realistic, walk-forward simulations.
Flexible, customizable and advanced charting capabilities, including nine different charting styles.
MetaStock Explorer
(TM) can scan thousands of securities to find and rank the ones that meet your customizable criteria.
Expert Systems, Expert Advisor
(TM), Expert Alerts, Expert Commentary, and Expert Symbols offer guidance, tutoring, assessments, monitoring your securities,
and flagging special conditions.
MetaStock Performance Systems
(R), New Performance Systems(TM) and 10 Explorations are designed to increase profitability and decrease risk.
Built-in extras include Web Browser, Online Trading Capability, Tutorial, Historical Data Online, Training Videos, and Technical Support.
MetaStock offers two versions of their software:
MetaStock D/C, powered by DataLink Data, End-of-Day Market Data.
   MetaStock R/T,
powered by XENITH Real-Time Market Data & News.

New Features and Functionality:
Enhanced Explorer
Add to Favorites Feature for Explorer and System Tester Power Tools
Ability to Sort Instrument List by Name or Symbol
Edit local data from MetaStock Chart
Edit local data from Downloader datasheet
20 most-used indicators bubble to top of Indicator Quicklist
Adaptive Cycle Toolkit Add-On
Over 50 new cutting-edge DLL Functions
Over 50 new MetaStock Indicators
6 New MetaStock Expert Advisors and Trading Systems
6 System Test
9 Templates
Five CandleStick Pattern Scans
CandleStick Bearish Patterns - 6 Patterns
CandleStick Bullish Patterns - 6 Patterns
CandleStick Continuation Patterns - 3 Patterns
CandleStick Doji Patterns - 8 Patterns
CandleStick Reversal Patterns - 12 Patterns
Oil and Metals SectorStat-Experts
2 New Systems (Oil and Metal)
2 New Expert Advisors
2 New Templates
12 New Indicators
Dave Landry's Pattern Systems: New Explorations, Expert Advisors, and Templates
Dave Landry - Bowtie Setups
Dave Landry - Daylight Pullback Set ups
Dave Landry - First Kiss After Daylight
Dave Landry - Generic Pullback
Dave Landry - Kiss MA Goodbye Setups
Dave Landry - Pre Filter
Dave Landry - Trend Knockout
Dynamic Trading Tools Template

Usability Improvements:
Hot-keys for Save All (CTRL+SHIFT+S)
Open smart charts or chart from MetaStock Power Console by double-clicking the symbol from the list of instruments.
Better support for keyboard shortcuts in DownLoader.
Ability to select multiple securities from the collection report for deletion.
Display the base instrument symbol by default in the chart window.
Ability to reference local data symbols from the Security function.
Ability to generate multiple local data lists by recursing through subfolders.
Improved error message when inputting an invalid symbol in Power Console
Ability to copy data from a DownLoader datasheet to the clipboard.

System Requirements
MetaStock runs on Windows.
Mac users can can install and use Windows with Boot Camp:  

I have designed and taught technical analysis courses for both professional traders and average investors. I always strongly encourage my students do their own research and to think for themselves. Useful tools such as MetaStock help you do that.

Again, for further details and to order MetaStock
(R) phone:
1-800-882-3040 toll free within the U.S.
or 1-801-265-9996 international
Be sure to mention "Offer Code COLBY"
to try and order this powerful software at a special discount price,
7%-9% off the regular price

Or, go online here:
to try and buy MetaStock(R) version 19 at the same 7%-9% discount price.

(R) and MetaStock Performance Systems(R) are registered trademarks of MetaStock, 4548 Atherton Drive, Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123, phone (800) 882-3040 or (801) 265-8886, fax (801) 265-3999. All other product names are the property of their respective owners. 

Robert W. Colby is an objective and independent research consultant to institutional and individual investors and traders. He is not an employee of any company that offers investment brokerage services or investment software products. He has not accepted and will not accept any advance compensation for recommending or for mentioning any service, product, or security. 


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